A separate report by the China Consumers 'Association on study abroad consumption suggests that in hot study abroad destinations like Boston, New York and Chicago, 200,000 yuan is needed annually for the tuition fee. 根据中国消费者协会发布的另一份留学消费报告显示,在像波士顿、纽约、芝加哥这样的留学热门城市,每年需要支付20万元的学费。
Russell Zimmerman, executive director of the Australian Retailers Association, said that while he had heard of clothing stores charging customers to try on clothes, he had never known a shop to charge a browsing fee. 澳洲零售商协会的执行董事拉塞尔·齐默曼说,虽然他听说过有服装店向顾客收取试衣费,但他还从未听闻过收取观赏费的商店。
Major funding comes from: ( 1) the association membership fee ( 2) sponsored enterprises ( 3) subsidies of Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau and so on. 主要经费来源于:(1)会员上交的会费(2)企业的赞助(3)市环保局的资助等。
The Executive Council may expel any Participant from the Association if the annual fee is not paid within thirty ( 30) days after written notice of non-payment has been dispatched. 若任一参加者于收到未缴款书面通知三十日内仍未付清年费者,执行委员会可以将之开除。
You will receive the membership card awarded by Association soon after you sent the fee and member application table through post office. 会费连同会员档案表一起由邮局汇寄,协会即核发会员证。
If the association's services aren't produced directly by association members themselves, the decision-making of prospective members is affected by three factors that are dues, exit fee and uncertainty of service. 针对于非生产性协会组织,潜在会员的决策受到行业协会服务水平的不确定性、会费及退出成本这三个因素的影响。
Viewing from protection institution facet, an urgent need to develop specific fishery insurance laws; allowing mutual insurance association to open branches in the fishery areas; adding subsidy of fishery insurance fee are all applicable. 从制度保障来看,亟需制定专门的渔业保险法律;准许互保协会在渔区开设分支机构;将相互制渔业保险纳入政策性保险范围;增加渔民保费的财政补贴。
They adopted individual membership. The members had certificate and insignia but they were supposed to pay the association fee. 中苏友好协会初期采取个人会员制,会员有证章并需要交纳会费。